Square Footage

By allowing our customers to sell back a portion of their house, to reduce square footage, the household not only saves money on maintenance but reduces its own carbon footprint. If the house was built on 4 containers and eventually the family gets smaller and the owners want to downsize, we buy the unwanted containers back at fair market value and this is good for the customer and the environment.


Making houses from recycled containers is a technically feasible building solution. Since our incorporation in July 2017, we have tested 12 different prototypes built by a few trusted industry experts. These tests validated the feasibility studies of our ecological and economical construction concept.

With the funding obtained, we will build and test our own YATA prototype.


We plan to carry out further prototyping to improve our concept, as well as testing activities to validate the performance of our solution in real conditions in Thunder Bay. These activities will include refurbishing the containers to make them suitable for their new use as housing vessels. In addition we will repair any structural damage, insulation, adding doors and windows, and installing electrical and plumbing systems.

To improve feasibility, we will adapt our solution to local requirements. The municipality in Neebing has been very supportive this far and we maintain a close relationship as they approve land zonings and building permits. They will guide us on local building standards, fire codes, energy regulations, water, sewage and the housing needs of the local communities. It is important to adapt to local needs to ensure the long-term viability of our project.


STEP1: Procurement of used containers and other materials. Renovation of containers to be used in the construction of the model unit, including repair of any structural damage.

STEP2: Adaptation of our solution to local requirements in terms of building standards, fire safety codes, water and sewage, energy regulations.

STEP3: Creation of a 1,500 square foot prototype unit with two bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a kitchen, laundry room, pantry and a living room with dining.

STEP4: Insulation, addition of doors and windows, and installation of electrical and plumbing systems.

STEP 5: Testing of our prototype in real conditions to evaluate its performance in terms of energy efficiency, comfort and durability.

STEP 6: Prepare the foundation for the house, make it firm and steady to withstand any force. Public launch of the house, with local officials, media and industry experts