
Our construction solution is to use shipping containers to build houses. Why shipping containers? They are readily available, affordable, easy to transport, they enable a quick building process, they are standardized and easy to customize.

We modify them to meet current building standards and make them more comfortable to live in. We use Airmétic Soya HFO for the thermal and acoustic insulation of the house. Soya HFO, is designed as a continuous insulation solution contributing to the protection against air, heat, water and vapor with superior adhesion.

Its functions in the building are: insulation, air barrier, vapor barrier and weather resistance in a single application.

Airmétic Soya HFO uses Honeywell's Solstice liquid blowing agent technology, which has a Global Warming Potential of 1 (99.9% lower than traditional blowing agents). On the outside, we use façades for esthetics and extra protection.

Containers are virtually indestructible; they are designed to withstand heavy loads and harsh weather conditions.

They can withstand winds over 200 km/h. We mount them on concrete foundations offering them structural stability which in turn allows them to withstand earthquakes and hurricanes, making them one of the safest structures in the world.

Furthermore, containers are generally cheaper than traditional building materials. They are also environmentally friendly, as they are reused to make houses instead of being disposed of. We use a minimum of one shipping container and keep adding more containers as the square footage demand grows for a specific structure.