Ability to add and reduce Square Footage

Yata Technologies Inc. is probably the first company to offer its customers the power to add or subtract square footage as the need might arise. We know that before a couple obtains kids, their demand might be for a few square feet; probably one container (20ft X 40ft). But when they get kids, we have the ability to give then a second container that doubles their square footage overnight. If the kids grow and leave the house, Yata Technologies Inc offers the option of removing the second container and restoring the original square footage. We can also move the entire house or a portion of it from one location to another at a reasonable fee. Since the roof is detachable and foldable, these changes are fast and seamless. This means less expenses for the subject customer, a hefty rebate and cash from selling the extra unwanted space. No need for them to sell the entire house and leave their familiar environment, friends et cetera.